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Jan 01, 2023
2 min read

Baked Anime Fish with Emiya

Fish a la anime

While watching today’s menu for Emiya family (衛宮さんちの今日のごはん, Emiya-sanchi no Kyō no Gohan) a fate/stay night spinoff they showed a version of baked fish which looked wonderful. So I wanted to try it. Sometimes watching anime can be useful in real life.


  • a half salmon steak
  • carrots
  • onions
  • mushrooms
  • salt
  • pepper
  • butter

the ingredients have no measurement because it’s a more of approximation of your own liking.


  1. put salt and pepper powder on the fish overnight for a good marination
  2. cut carrots in small sticks, slice the onions, cut the mushrooms into slices
  3. put the vegetable on a sheet of aluminium foil, a base for the fish
  4. put the fish on top of it (if you had no time for marination, put salt and pepper on both sides)
  5. put a small piece of butter on top of the fish
  6. !IMPORTANT!: fold the aluminium to a package so that the fish is sealed, airtight
  7. now you can cook it in a pan for around 30 minutes on medium heat. Alternatively, you can cook it in an oven on two-sided heat at 150°C for at least 45 to 60 minutes. The time is really not the issue, it can also stay longer but keep that in mind to avoid overcooking.
