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Apr 25, 2023
3 min read

Website Version 2.0! An ASTROnomic jump

From starting with a simple static website to this blog and my goals with it

At the beginning I did not intendet to write a blog because it sounded really not worth the effort. After I bought the domain to my family name i thought

If I only had a place where I could look up all my knowledge

so from my own clumsiness the idea of a blog was born. I can develop in diffrent frameworks that is not the issue. The issue is I really dont want to write a lot of code which goes into desiging something. I find it honestly tedious.

Version 1.0.x: Jekyll (Ruby)

So for the most of the time my website was build with jekyll (underlying ruby). What did annoy me the utter most was the handling the post. It was allways a fight to know what page should be in which directory and why does it not compile and the more I wrote with it the more resistance build up when the topic “website” came up. So I needed a change.

Version 1.1.x: Hugo (Golang)

After some reseach I came along with the framework hugo (build with go). Hugo was a lot faster than jelky with developing the page and giving it a more fitting theme with monochrome. But the problem again was I personally wanted to do more with it as it were possible and soon i got stuck with every desition to make and messed up some of my previous posts.

Version 2.0.x: Astro

I really really like the idea of having a side which is partically static and partically dynamic which allows these things I wanted to archieve with my personal space (abyss) in the web. Lets see when I will hopp again to another framework.

For now here is nothing much but I want to include my contet here as well. It need some time but soon I will make more and more updates.