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Mar 21, 2024
2 min read

Website Version 2.1. Spherical Transformation

Using Astro to its full capacities and forming the site to my wishes

After a while havin my website deployed I felt dificulties to addapt to the new system with astro-papers. It feld not like my own application and I needed to adjust the content after someone elses structure. So I searched the web for alternative templates which does convince me from design point as well as functionality.

Version 2.1.x: Astro x Astro-Sphere

I am very picky about what I personal like, as well in the coding world. Sure I can and will adapt to everything but having a place where I can transform everything to my means pleases me. I found for me astro-sphere and even it was published for 8h i instannly new i would love it. I replaced in one session everything and must admit it was easier than thought. I have some garbage in my package.json but this will be sorted out with time.